Saturday, April 8, 2017

Catching up

I haven't written anything yet this year. It's so amazing how quickly the kids are growing. Kateri turned three in January, Becket just turned 5, and Esme' will be turning 12 in a few days. The days are full with school and just keeping life going. Peter is in 7th grade, Esme' is in 6th, and Felicity is in 3rd. The little ones are learning to count, even Kateri can count to 10. The little ones enjoy doing school workbooks. Kateri loves to play with Barbies. Becket loves Wild Kratts. Kateri and Becket both like Martha Speaks. The older kids have been working on a movie with the Beeson kids since fall. They all three love to take pictures and make stop motion movies. We finally went on a four day vacation to Turkey Run and Southern Indiana. Jeff was able to take off work and we didn't have to worry about making up his pay. Turkey Run was really fun...ended up climbing a ladder. We went to Bloomington the next day, saw Cecilia and walked around IU. We then went to French Lick to spend the night. The next day we went to Corydon. The hills in Southern Indiana are so gorgeous.The next day we went to St. Meinrad. We were going to go to Spring Mill, but Peter wasn't feeling well.